martes, 30 de diciembre de 2008

Lo mejor del 2008: Crystal Castles

Es obvio como este duo canadiense logro separarse del grueso de su generacion new rave y se coloca en un lugar mas complejo, alejado y siniestro que sus colegas. Es por el componente claramento roto y torcido que le da Alice Glass a la banda. Tan solo hay que verlos en vivo para notarlo claramente.  El disco entero esta compuesto de sonidos simples sacados de algun videojuego de atari que se fusionan con una caotica y ultra-distorcionada voz que individualmente se pondrian en duda su calidad o su talento pero en conjunto arman piezas muy poderosas. El tema de originalidad es el mismo de siempre; la banda toma prestado todo y de todos lados, samples Death From Above 1979, letras y voces de Van She, pasajes de Ulisses de James Joyce y con el impulso de composición que mas admiro en cualquier proceso creativo toman todo esto y lo convierten en algo completamente nuevo e innovador. Me encanta como le dan la espalda al electro-pop melodico y como niegan el estandarte fluorescente, me encanta como intentan el semi-anonimato al tratar de ocultar sus rostros todo el tiempo. Ciertamente el sonido me trae recuerdos de mi adiccion a Aphex Twin y sobre todo al hipnotizante Melodies From Mars..........

Crystal Castles - Crimewaves

Crystal Castles - Courtship Dating

Crystal Castles - Vanished

Crystal Castles - Yes No - Glastonbury 2008

sábado, 27 de diciembre de 2008

Without You. The Cure (2008)

Anything at all
But you know I can't stop
It's life on the moon
All this talk of giving up
Life is too short
For it not to be true
The best idea I think
Is for me to go my way...

Anything at all
But you don't want me to change
Hard to understand
When a plan is this strange
And like is too big
Yeah it has to be true
Oh the best idea I think
Is for me to go my way...

If all that you want
Is how it could be
You may as well go now
There's no wait and see...

Anything at all
But don't ask me to fade
You have to accept
I can't ever play safe
Life is too real
For it not to be true
Oh the best idea I think
Is fot me to go my way...

If all that you want
Is how it could be
You may as well go
No there's no wait to see
It will always be wrong
If all I won't give
Is all that you want
It's a strange way
To live and let live
When all that you do
Is measure me up
Falling shorter than you
It's a strange way to love
All this 'be as I want'
When I know that you know
I can't fade
Or stop

So anything at all
But you know I won't choose
If all you could win
Is all I would lose
When life is too rare
Yeah it has to be true
The best idea I think
Is for me to go my way

descarga: without you